The Century Club of California
A Historic Women's Club

The Century Club of California welcomes all women who are interested in joining our historic Club. We meet on Wednesdays from September to May for a pre-lunch reception, a delicious lunch, and a Program. Our Programs feature interesting speakers on a wide variety of topics as well as presentations and performances. In addition to outside presenters, we host a poetry day, a drama day, and a Fashion Show, which features garments from our extensive vintage clothing collection. Members are welcome and encouraged to invite guests to Wednesday events and other Club activities. Twice a year, we host a gala with dinner and dancing. Guests are warmly welcomed.

The Century Club has a wonderful library. Our collection includes current books, both fiction and non-fiction, as well as biographies, mysteries, and more. The library is free and staffed each Wednesday by Club members.

The Book Discussion group meets several times per year to discuss books, both fiction and non-fiction, selected by the membership. This popular activity is chaired by two club members who present a biography of the author and a summary of each book.

Once a month, we host a Games Day where our members enjoy playing Mah Jong, Scrabble, bridge, and other games.

The Century Club of California has a growing program of reciprocity with other women's clubs across the country. Currently, our reciprocal program includes clubs in Carmel, Santa Barbara, La Jolla and Connecticut.

Century Club members agree that the best part of the Century Club is the friendly and interesting women who have become members! Our membership is from San Francisco, Marin County, the East Bay, and the Peninsula. Many members carpool from these areas. Members enjoy getting involved in the Club by joining committees and participating in various activities at the Club. Members form life-long friendships at the Century Club and enjoy being part of this warm community.

In addition to the regular membership category, the Century Club has a membership program called a Provisional Associate which allows a prospective member to "try out" the Club for one year to see if she would be interested in joining as a member.

If you are interested in learning more about membership opportunities at the Century Club of California, please contact the Membership Vice President, via email,

The Century Club of California  •  1355 Franklin Street, San Francisco, California 94109  •  415.673.7117